
The Museum Creative

by Chiara Brancato

Ciao! I'm Chiara, an Italian content marketer & strategist for the arts. I help art institutions and creative arts entrepreneurs boost their online presence and audience engagement to skyrocket their exposure, cultural impact, and revenue. If you're eager to learn the best strategies to scale your art biz with powerful content marketing, subscribe to my weekly newsletter! Looking forward to seeing you inside! 😉

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Embrace the Gain: Finding Joy in Daily Wins

Ciao Reader! Today, I have a special message for you... 💌 As we navigate the twists and turns of our professional and personal lives, it's crucial to remember the power of living in the gain. Recently, I had the pleasure of delving into "The Gap and The Gain" by Dan Sullivan - and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer! This insightful book sheds light on the importance of focusing on the little wins we encounter daily, both in our careers and personal endeavors. By shifting our mindset to...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Ciao Reader! Ever strolled through a museum, lost in the maze of exhibits, wishing for a guide to make the visit more accessible, informative, and engaging? What if artificial intelligence powered that guide to tackle museum fatigue and offer a better experience? Welcome to the future of AI content in museums! 🤖 Its usage isn't just about answering questions or doing visitor surveys. It involves: Personalized tours based on people’s interests. Interactive storytelling with AI robots or...

3 months ago • 1 min read
black iphone 4 on brown wooden table

Ciao Reader! It's been a wild ride on the social media rollercoaster lately, hasn't it? With all these shifts happening around us, I thought it was time to give you an update. I've analyzed two compelling articles from Hubspot and Publicist that delve into whether or not social media is "dying." The quick answer is YES, social media as we know it no longer exists. But don't fret! While the landscape is dramatically evolving, this isn’t necessarily bad news. It's more about evaluating where to...

5 months ago • 1 min read
grey and black metal tool

Ciao Reader! Are you aware that a staggering 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority? 💡 Yet, many creative brands aren’t harnessing the power of SEO blogging for art businesses (70% lack an SEO strategy), nor do they invest in email list building for strategic audience development. Shocking, right? This oversight stems from ignoring how search engines and inbound content marketing work or solely relying on quick fixes and...

6 months ago • 1 min read
jack of spade playing card

Ciao Reader! Looking to establish a remarkable presence in the art field? 🧐 Consider developing a well-crafted brand-building framework! It not only helps create a distinct identity, but it also ensures long-term growth and sustainability. 77% of B2B marketing leaders confirm this - it’s an essential asset to get more brand consistency, extend credibility with prospects, and increase revenue by 10-20%! Through a consistent branding strategy defining your unique role and mission, it gets...

7 months ago • 1 min read
black and white robot toy on red wooden table

Ciao Reader! A few days ago, I had an interesting conversation with an artist and Pinterest coach about content creation. Her specific question was: “How do you develop content without losing your soul?” Great point! We all know how time-consuming and challenging it is to craft GOOD content that attracts and converts ideal leads. It requires long research, deep thinking, writing, editing, you name it. Add to this the lack of a strategic content plan, and you instantly find yourself down the...

7 months ago • 1 min read
lion lying on green grass during daytime

Ciao Reader! The other day I saw an eye-opening documentary about wild animals and their way of basing relationships on mutual trust and support. Lionesses, elephants, African wild dogs, and even chimpanzees wouldn’t survive one day without trust. It’s a strong bond that holds their groups together - making them thrive across the animal kingdom. Why am I telling you this? Because this big sense of trust isn’t just vital to animals. It involves your brand’s existence too! Think about it… How...

8 months ago • 1 min read
two people shaking hands

Ciao Reader! Does selling make you feel uncomfortable or anxious? You're not alone. The idea of selling my offers makes me want to hide sometimes. 🙈 But whenever I feel like this, I repeat to myself the following: 💡 You don’t have to sound pushy or use sleazy tactics to urge people to buy from you. 💡 Your audience might not be ready to convert now, but it might be soon. 💡 Building authentic relationships makes it easier to be trusted. This mindset helps me stay consistent and true to whom I...

9 months ago • 1 min read

Ciao Reader! I'm thrilled to share with you an amazing podcast interview I had with Hayley Price, business coach and founder of The Art Coaching Club Podcast. During our talk, we discussed the best content strategy formula to grow your art brand successfully. From building a solid presence online to connecting with the target audience and delivering purposeful content on diverse platforms, we covered the main challenges holding creatives back when setting up a business + effective methods to...

10 months ago • 1 min read
blue and white logo guessing game

Ciao Reader! Building a strong online presence is challenging. 😰 Let alone nurturing a tight-knit community of advocates and buyers! 51.2% of small businesses lack clear marketing strategies and objectives, and 37.4% of them struggle to find effective marketing channels to invest in for their growth. The art field makes no exception. So, how do you overcome this predicament and finally achieve your goals? One profitable and impactful way to… Amplify your reach and influence Engage with wider...

11 months ago • 1 min read
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